Provost Fund for Student Collaboration


The Provost's Office will accept applications to the Provost Fund for Student Collaboration on a rolling basis during the 2023-2024 academic year. 

The Provost Fund for Student Collaboration (PFSC) supports extracurricular academic collaborations that bring together students from at least three Harvard schools to explore a particular subject. Grants of up to $4,000 will be awarded. The distinguishing characteristic of this fund is its devotion to academic enterprises (as opposed to primarily social, advocacy-based, or charitable activities). The fund is intended to enable students interested in a particular area of intellectual inquiry to explore that area with students enrolled in other schools. These one-year grants support specific activities, and do not provide continuing support.

Form of Activities/Eligibility

The Fund will typically support a network or consortium of student organizations engaged in collaborative academic activities, such as a conference, a speaker series, or other similar activities. To be eligible, the working group must consist of representatives of at least two recognized student organizations and show meaningful student participation from at least three different schools (with a minimum of at least 10 students).

Each group must identify an administrative “home” in a particular academic unit of the University (school, department, center, program, etc.) that will (a) oversee the financial aspects of the grant, and (b) provide whatever administrative oversight or guidance is necessary. Applicants must also secure a letter of support from one senior student affairs administrator (typically dean of students).


Grants of up to $4,000 are available for each group selected, though awards are often for less. Funding is available to cover expenses such as (a) meeting costs for the group (meals, refreshments, etc.), (b) travel costs for outside speakers or experts visiting the group or (c) costs related to a conference. Funding will not typically cover salaries (of students or faculty), routine technology costs, or other expenses that are covered through other sources.

Application Process

The students should submit a brief description of the intended activities (no more than 2 pages) that identifies the student groups and particular students involved, with particular emphasis placed on defining the roles that students will play in the programming (student roles should not be limited to the planning phase but be illustrated in the activities as well). If appropriate, students should supplement this description with any draft agendas or programs. The application should also contain a detailed projected budget, including, if appropriate, information about other sources of funding secured or outstanding. As mentioned above, a letter of support from a senior student affairs administrator must accompany the application.

The final approval of funds will be contingent upon compliance with the rules governing the University "Use of Name" policy. All content generated by the applicants' organization must adhere to the guidelines described in detail on the Harvard Trademark Program’s website at Students are reminded that all related content must provide adequate disclosure of the “student-run” nature of the activities.

Grants must be used in the academic year in which they are awarded. A follow-up report submitted by the end of the semester will be expected from each group, detailing the activities of the group, who participated, the substance of the issues explored, and any resulting products.

click here to apply.